How2RPiWebsite.txt as of 28 July 2022 CURRENT SETTINGS rpijoin.php : expects rpijoin.php?op=mrp&pw=pi&s=sys 1st Floor RPi ($rpi1): 3rd Floor RPi ($rpi3) : RaspiA : : main web folder: cd /var/www/html on RpiA just web Curating data: D:\cli\ci\Rpi\logs\[yyyy] Outage Recovery 1. Find the IPs of the three Rpis (check Arris modem) Arris: un: admin pw: password LAN Setup | Client List find and figure out which IP is which RasPi 2. Update router port forwarding to Entry Pi's new address Arris: Firewall | Virtual Servers / Port Forwarding house conditions 80-80 TCP 192.168.0.[Rpi1] 80-80 3. Update FTP addresses for rpi1, rpi3, and rpiA Pis 4. Update rpiurls.txt on all RPis and 5. If necessary -- check recent data -- restart the First Floor RPi un: pi pw: fo0 PuTTY: sudo reboot restore function: cd /var/www/html nohup python [[ RPi 1st ]] nohup python [[ RPi 3rd ]] nohup python [[ RPiA ]] for testing sudo python [ shows diags ] 6. Restart ix2.php on Floor 1 RPi Dynamic DNS / Port Forwarding to Raspberry Pi - see above step 2 SETTING STATIC LOCAL IPs : to get current IPs: ip r | grep default to get current nameserver: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf # Generated by resolvconf nameserver nameserver nameserver 2001:558:feed::1 nameserver 2001:558:feed::2 to declare a static IP in local network: sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf : add to end of file interface eth0 static ip_address=192.168.0.n/24 static routers= static domain_name_servers= finding raspi MAC address: ifconfig string after ether RPi1st: b8:27:eb:14:12:90 0.3 raspberrypi RPi3rd: b8:27:eb:40:f0:3c 0.6 raspise RPiA: b8:27:eb:4d:02:c0 0.5 raspberrypi access RPi-MAIN: see current settings above rpi FTP un: pi pw: fo0 mrp s1enna phpMyadmin un: root pw: s1enna pi fo0 Starting from scratch create webserver (below) implement one-wire: add dtoverlay=w1-gpio to /boot/config.txt load onto cd /var/www/html and test check xbee function try this: sudo reboot = = = = = = Rpi1 -- ist Floor Pi see current settings above restore function: sudo reboot web - same as cd /var/www/html nohup python for testing python FTP: pi fo0 root fo0 Weather data wlog_.txt stores in stored in d:\cli\ci\data\Rpi Rpi3 -- 3rd Floor Pi see current settings above restore function: sudo reboot cd /var/www/html nohup python for testing python FTP: pi fo0 root fo0 Weather data wlog_.txt stores in stored in d:\cli\ci\data\Rpi = = = = = = RPi-DEV FTP: pi fo0 root fo0 nohup python bigben/py volume: use mpg123 = = = = = = creating a webserver sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 -y Enable FTP sudo raspi-config Interfacing options SSH Enable Yes Finish give pi/fo0 access to web folder sudo chown -R pi:www-data /var/www sudo chmod u+rxw,g+rx-w,o-rwx /var/www MySQL stuff sudo mysql -u root -p # logs into monitor Import Python serial sudo apt-get install python-serial = = = = = PHP stuff PHP errors are located in /var/log/apache2/ phpMyadmin: = = = = = MySQL / MariaDB stuff sudo mysql -u root -p RaspiSE: root password: e99pl@ntz; MySQL phpMyadmin pw: S1enna phpMyadmin un: username pw: password = = = = = USEFUL PuTTY stuff * after copying, paste with a right click * uparrow repeats previous command to become a superuser, start with php.ini: sudo su STOP / START webserver: /etc/init.d/apache2 stop // /etc/init.d/apache2 start find file: php -i | grep 'php.ini' /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ininano get IP: ifconfig or hostname -I list files: ls PHP error log tail /var/log/apache2/error.log tmux [attach - to restore existing session] ^b + d[etach] c[reate new window] n[ext] p[revious] ?[list of windows, quit to exit] %[split] o[ther] temps: var/www/html/python3.6 1wt .py Temp sensor business cd /sys/bus/w1/devices/... below 3rd floor sensor: 28-0000068ede02 2nd floor living: 28-0000068ea885 cat w1_slave To stop a nohup process: ps -ef to find running processes ; also pid of python (doesn't give the program name) identify the process to stop kill PID Shell script tutorial: writing / preparing shell scripts nano [filename] begins with #! "hash bang" change owner perms chmod u+x [filename] check perms: ls -l to run script: ./[filename] (in this directory) or /bat/[filename] creating an alias: (transient) $ alias [name]='[command]' run by typing [name] creating a PERSISTENT alias edit: nano .bash_aliases add the alias, for example alias web='cd /var/www/html' allows you to get to the web folder from anywhere reload your profile: $ . .profile test, your alias should work