Caspar Institute logoitinerary   < 30 August to Vernal, Utah   1 September Reno & Chico >

to Winnemucca 31 August 2014

746 : 1271

What a mellifluous name! But it was just a bit more than 500 miles from Vernal, and there wasn't going to be much to distinguish the parts of this day. 200 miles of Highway 40, a state-of-the-art highway across a third of Utah, then I-80, the run down from Park City to the confusion of Salt Lake City, then The Wasteland. Much of it military, and likely the secret repository for our national spent nukes.

747 : 1269
<p>Nevada: 98% spectacular rocks, 2% spectacular stupidity</p>

Nevada: 98% spectacular rocks, 2% spectacular stupidity

itinerary   < previous 30 August to Vernal, Utah         next 1 September Reno & Chico >

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