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at Home in Caspar 27 May 2024

2743 :

Getting ready

As always, the last days at home before a trip make us appreciate where we live. In a sense, this is my least favorite time: the gress and weeds are growing crazily, the March winds are blowing a gale (in May!) and allergy season is in full swing. Maybe it's a light allergy year, but tell that to my itchy eyes! So now would be a good time to . . . well, at least experience a different pollen regimen.

Obsessive travelers, I have been planning this trip since shortly after we returned from the Great Bear adventure. First up, the route, and, since this is an Oregon trip, coordination with family. Next up, where along this familiar route are there high spots, places we want o visit again – Local Ocean Seafoods in Newport, the vibrant towns of Astoria and Bend – and what can we do without – sadly, Oregon Shakespeare with all its chasing after a younger audience. We find we can get better Shakespeare in Northern California. 

With route and accommodations tucked in, time to consider our increasingly demanding life requirements: where a 500 mile day was okay as recently as eight years ago, now 350 miles seems daunting, but there's the tension between adding a day (and staying somewhere not especially interesting) v. getting home to cat, friends, and beloved bed. Where, or how often, will we get our customary (and likely essential) huge daily salads? 

Then the long wait for departure, during which time some details still need to be solidified and some of the wheels may come off. Local Ocean doesn't accept reservations more than two months ahead. Relatives have to change their availabilities due to unanticipated events. The Forest Service decides to restore the road to Breitenbush, allowing for traffic during inconvenient times. It all has to fit in; it will all fit in, but there's a certain amount of unavoidable anxiety when plans change. 

But the anticipation is fun too. Where should we lunch on Day 1? Prior trips have found us in Arcata, where there Renata's Crêperie has fed us well in the past. A day trip to Long Beach Washington, and eat . . . where? Google says, try Salt Pub in Ilwaco. In Bend, it goes without saying that the great Thai restaurant Wild Rose Thai is on the menu, but how 'bout Tim Garling's Jackalope Grill? Makes me hungry just thinking about it, and laughing at myself because road food is so important to us.

Food and family. Why else travel?


Worth noting: in addition to that great travelers' resource Google, these logs of our previous trips give invaluable guidance.

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