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Chico 7 June 2024

2831 :

Long travel day, 380+ miles, and in an unfamiliar car. But we made it!



Bend is lava country, with old volcanoes, cinder cones, and vents everywhere. Is it our imagination, or does the thinness of the Earth's  crust have an effect on our emotions?







Pines thrive here. 













Judging by a cut bank on the highway, this was once a lake or ocean bed, too.











First glimpse of Mother Mountain, Mount Shasta.

2832 :




Across Upper Klamath Lake












Mother Mountain gets closer . . .













and closer . . . 













and closer . . . 
2833 :
We're in California now, and She looms larger.
More burned forest
She now fills the frame

2834 :

High desert Shasta scrolls to the right - - - >
2836 :

Mother Mountain closest view
Trinity Alps
Shasta Valley
More high desert
Mount Shasta from downtown Weed

And then the Sacramento Valley, Highway 99, Chico, dinner at Grana, ice cream at Shubert's

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