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Mirepoix pages

lead image for this date2 June 2016 :

Why not start with lunch? We checked out of our boat, taxied to Narbonne, picked up our car, tried for a few minutes to find a parking place near Narbonne's famous market, gave up, and drove to Carcassonne for lunch at Christophe's phenomenal Le Blé Noir Crêperie...

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lead image for this date4 June 2016 : Quiet Day at Home

The weather frogs declared today to be a rain day, and so we planned to stay at home and be quiet. We went out to lunch. I took a nap. We went for a walk. Mirepoix has a greenway along its part of the River L'Hers past its gorgeous seven-arched bridge...

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lead image for this date6 June 2016 :

Our host John warned us not to try to find a parking place on Monday, Market Day. "It's a very busy scene," he advised.  So we were excited to go to market ...

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