Independent Home glyph: home, sun, wind, water
excerpted from

The New Independent Home

     by Michael Potts
from chapter 5 :

Degree Day Heating and Cooling Regimes

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     Degree-days of heating (left) and cooling (right) for cities in the United States, using optimal figures of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (° F) for heating and 72°F for cooling. Numerals are rankings of 100 cities, based on the energy required, using the CNG Energy Index, a more sensitive measure of actual energy requirements. The CNG Energy Index considers temperature, insolation, humidity, and the previous day's weather in order to predict the amount of energy required to keep space livable. Oakland, California ranks number one, Phoenix, Arizona is number 100.

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The New Independent Home

People and Houses that Harvest
the Sun, Wind, and Water
a book by Michael Potts
paper   *     8x10   *     408 pages
8 page color section + 200 illustrations:
b&w photos, graphs, charts, and diagrams
ISBN 1-890132-14-4   *     $30.00

this book at

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