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Salt Spring Island 5 September 2019

2043 : 0

2044 : 0

A good night's sleep, but I awoke from a bad dream – a restaurant dream in which everything was going wrong at once. I thought about something Charles and I have been remarking on: the fading of certainty. I felt it yesterday finding, as if by chance, the right driveway to the Cottage, when (I think) had I been here 15 years ago, and then come back four years later, I wouldn't have had any uncertainty.

And then I was singing the King's song, "There are many many facts of which I wish I was more certain I was sure. 'Tis a puzzlement!"

2046 : 0

Stayed home, ate well, read, stared out across the islands. Went for a short walk to the pond. Restful. 

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