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Salt Spring Island 7 September 2019

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Cloudy today, inside and out. A truly annoying day.

We wanted to watch the US Open Womens' Final, but after trying everything we could think of, we failed. Right now, it's looking like Serena has awakened from a long summer's nap, at 6-3 5-1 Bianca. Hang in there, Bianca!

This morning to Ganges, the island's "big town" and fought through the thousands of residents and tourists to find the market – as a market, a shadow of what we found four years ago: all sorts of lame "artist" crap and then in the far corner a few farmers ...with, it must be granted, nice looking, fairly priced produce. CROWDED!

We got outta there as fast as we could find out that the SSI Cheese Co isn't serving ice cream "right now." We did get some nice cider.

And Bianca beat Serena, breaking her in the last game: 6-3 7-5. O! Canada.

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Here's a sample of the Quality Art being produced here on Salt Spring. Yes, the long one is $70 and the round one is only $45 – Canadian, so that's $52 and $34 US. At those prices, we bought one for everyone on our list, of course.

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<p>Ganges Saturday Market</p>

Ganges Saturday Market

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