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Exploring Oxford

On our third day out, mostly recovered from jet lag but still a bit sore from over-training at Blenheim, we wandered and rode around Oxford.

At the Bodleian Library, we looked at ancient manuscripts, wondering and the meticulous script and gorgeous illuminations. The light was too dim (to keep the precious manuscripts undimmed) for photography. Outside, Chad caught me in a moment of contemplation.

In front of the Bodleian Library
One of Oxford's favorite stories is about the three Cambridge-educated bishops who were burned at the stake for heresy. On the left, Latimer, and below, the spot and plaque commemorating the burning.

"First we burn 'em, then we mourn 'em..."

At the Ashmolean, a fine small museum with an amazing collection of wonderful little pieces, I was enthralled, but my travelling companions were more interested in sitting in the shade and watching the people go by. I found a delicious vase and a lovely allegorical painting.

Statuary Court at the Ashmolean
click for a larger (40k) image

Cupid does for Anjelica over the wounded Medoro
Giovanni Francesco Romanelli ca 1660

Next, a lazy boat ride on the Isis. (Well, really, the Thames. The Brits often use many names for the same thing to keep us colonials confused.) They also have a fondness and a highly developed talent for separating tourists from their money, and this was a disappointingly short boat ride.

Iffley Lock

The Quad at Christ Church College - click for a larger (33k) image

And finally, a short visit to Christ Church College, another unit in the finely toothed comb that separates visitors from their money. Nonetheless, a magnificent pile...

Christ Church Cathedral spire

The Great Hall at Christ Church College

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