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Puako 2 August 2021

2347 :

Puako day 7

Wildfire under control, the brown sky has mostly dissipated; the wind is down. We're ready for our next crisis!

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Sienna found this cool fish poster – actually, a plastic laminate dive card so you know who you're swimming with underwater – available from Longitude Maps. High tide's at 1pm, and there's a plan to go snorkelling.

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And a-snorkelling we did go. Dami saw three eels, showed me one and a living Cowrie; plenty of fish and some decent coral. My sense is that this is a reef fish nursery; the fish all seemed small examples of their species. A really good snorkel! Rich took this picture.




Elsewhere (like in the Southwest) it's all about rocks. Here it's leafs – leaves? This is a small sampling of those along our road in Puako. Many are, I suspect, exotic imports. But they are thriving.

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Rochelle took a picture of Sienna taking a picture of Rich and Damiana taking a picture of the sunset.

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